3rd “Duo Hayashi” International Competition

For Duos :

Violin and Piano / Cello and Piano

Date :September 9 (Mon.) - 14 (Sat.), 2019
Place :Santa Vittoria in Matenano (Marche, Italy)        
Ages :・Between 21 and 45 years old by the end of the year
 (Those who were born between January 1, 1974
 and December 31, 1998.)
・The sum of both candidates’ ages must not exceed
 86 years and the difference in age between both
 candidates must be less than 15 years.
Prizes :1st   prize 5,000
2nd  prize 3,000
3rd  prize 1,500
(Total prize 9,500 € )
Sponsorship :Comune di Santa Vittoria in Matenano
Provincia di Fermo
Regione Marche
Contact : duoh.ic@gmail.com